Thanks Carbon,
Earth’s Most Natural
ESG Management Partner

Thanks Carbon works to achieve
carbon neutrality and biodiversity goals
through Nature-based Solutions (NbS) projects.

*Nature based Solution(NbS) includes sustainable ESG and CSR practices that
preserve nature in its original state or protect modified ecosystems.

Carbon Neutrality by 2050,
Beyond Climate Change: ESG Activities
Based on Nature

  • Biodiversity: the new standard for global corporate ESG.

    Corporate ESG management problems cannot be solved by merely addressing the climate crisis.

    Global ESG leadership demands actions that address both climate change and biodiversity.

  • The UN's Core for Carbon Neutrality by 2050: Nature-based Solutions (NbS)*

    At the UN Climate Action Summit, Nature-based Solutions were presented as a key measure for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

    • *Nature-based ESG Activities, NbS: Nature-based Solutions
  • New Corporate Disclosure Standards View Nature as Capital: TNFD

    The UN and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) have formed the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure (TNFD), urging institutions and companies to disclose financial risks associated with ecosystem destruction.

    • *TNFD: Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure

Thanks Carbon:
Starting from Nature

  • Thanks Carbon’s Nature-based ESG Projects

    Thanks Carbon executes ESG projects in line with global standards, addressing climate crisis response, carbon reduction, and biodiversity goals. Through nature-based solutions, Thanks Carbon collaborates with companies to practice sustainable management.

    Learn More →
  • Haimdall Emissions Monitoring Service

    Haimdall, our emissions monitoring service, helps reduce carbon emissions and facilitates carbon credit trading. Utilizing Thanks Carbon's patented technology, Haimdall assists farmers in reducing carbon emissions and enables the trading of these reductions with corporate carbon credits.

    Haimdall will help you receive quantitative certification for your reduced carbon emissions and assist you in selling certified carbon credits to companies and organizations.

    Learn More →

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Leading Companies
Are Already Partnering with
Thanks Carbon

  • 현대자동차
  • 삼성 SDS
  • 충남도청
  • KDB산업은행
  • ENSL Partners
  • 울주군
  • 현대로템
  • 한국사회투자
  • IBA
  • 영양군
  • kotra
  • 울산광역시
  • 한국엔젤투자협회
  • CTCN
  • 현대제철
  • SK 이노베이션
  • SK 텔레콤
  • 당찬당진
  • Contec
  • 희망친구 기아대책
  • 회성군
  • 한국농어촌공사
  • 농림축산식품부
  • 한국남동발전
  • LUSH
  • LG화학
  • 제페토
  • 해남군
  • 대학내일
  • 비씨카드

Join Thanks Carbon
for the Most Natural ESG/CSR Implementation Projects!

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