Vietnamese government goes full-scale MRV with the help of Thanks Carbon

Vietnamese government goes full-scale MRV with the help of Thanks Carbon

Thanks Carbon, a company committed to sustainable growth and net-zero, recently provided MRV technology to the Vietnamese government's [1 million ha rice project].

Thanks Carbon’s Heimdall technology featured on Cần Thơ TV, 2024.3.21.

MRV, the seed sown by Thanks Carbon in Vietnam

Thanks Carbon which is committed to sustainable growth and net-zero, recently provided MRV technology to the [1 million ha rice project] promoted by the Vietnamese government.

We flew to Thai Binh, Vietnam to train farmers in person to utilize the Haimdall service to make AWD easier and more convenient, and we were invited by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) to introduce Haimdall technology at an official MRV workshop.

‘Haimdall’ is an innovative solution by Thanks Carbon that utilizes AI-powered satellite monitoring to track carbon reduction activities and provide proof of implementation. To learn more about Haimdall, please visit here.

Our Journey in Vietnam So Far

  • January 2024
    • Signed a contract with the Institute of Agricultural Environment (IAE) and Thai Binh Province for a pilot project.
    • Initiated discussions with the Department of Crop Production (DCP) and National Agricultural Extension Centre (NAEC) to implement the Haimdall platform in the national 1 Million Hectares Rice Project.
  • February 2024
    • Revisited Thai Binh to conduct on-site assessments and address farmers’ concerns about AWD and app usage.
    • Gained significant attention, including a surprise appearance on VTV with the DCP Director.
    • Began high-resolution radar satellite imaging of the AWD implementation in Thai Binh.
  • March 2024
    • Provided training on the Haimdall platform in Vietnam and monitored data collection.
    • Successfully presented Haimdall technology at an official MRV workshop hosted by MARD.
    • Featured on Cần Thơ TV in Vietnam, highlighting Thanks Carbon’s Haimdall technology.

ESG 커뮤니케이션에 새로움을 더해줄 땡스카본의 뉴스레터 입니다. 매월 1~2회 발송되는 땡스레터로 넷제로를 향한 여정에 참여해보세요.

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