If you’re concerned about ESG implementation

Easily and quickly towards the right direction

Our Vision

Asia's No.1 specialist in
Nature-based Solutions (NbS)

Our Mission

Thanks Carbon plans and executes projects
aimed at restoring biodiversity and achieving balance in carbon circulation. Let’s give carbon its rightful place!

Our Team

Thanks Carbon partners with top experts in nature-based solutions projects in Korea for ESG/CSR management.

  • 김해원

    Dr. Kim, Hae Won

    • Compliance Inspection Committee Member, 'Carbon Neutrality Green Growth Commission'
    • Vice President, Korea Data Science Society
    • Special Appointed Professor, Ewha Womans University, Humanities Convergence Major
    • PD, CJ ENM (Home Shopping)
  • 박두병

    Mr. Cooper

    • Directs ThanksCarbon's Nature-based Solutions Projects
    • Representative of the first domestic Soil Carbon Business Commercialization project, TTHANKS
    • PD at MBC Drama Net, Documentary Film Director
    • Master's Degree in Media Communication from Sogang University Graduate School
  • International Emission Reduction Projects Team

    Conducting carbon credit projects in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Bangladesh

  • AI/Data Team

    Developing AI-based satellite MRV solutions (Haimdall/Ther), data collection, and analysis

  • Content Team

    Developing and operating ESG projects, discovering storytelling, and creating content

  • Corporate Research Institute

    Researching AI and satellite technologies optimized for carbon credits

ESG/CSR Performance


  • 2024-04

    Signed MOU for international emissions reduction projects with SSG Group in Bangladesh

  • 2024-04

    LG Chem announces progress of the ‘Blue Carbon’ habitat restoration project in the Seagrass habitat.

  • 2024-04

    Partnership agreement with Climate Change Response Agricultural and Life Research Institute at Chonnam National University.

  • 2024-04

    Initiated Phase 1 habitat restoration and research project at Seagrass, signing of a partnership agreement.

  • 2024-04

    Confirmed greenhouse gas reduction project using AWD in Vietnamese rice farming.

  • 2024-04

    R&D agreement with Rural Development Administration for rice paddy management.

  • 2024-04

    Establishment of Carbon Capturing Farms and campaign launch.

  • 2024-03

    Establishment of Corporate Research Institute.

  • 2024-02 Award History

    Awarded in the ‘Digital Media & Services’ category of the A.N.D Award for ‘Blue Forest’ in the field of social contribution.


  • 2023-04 Patent Application

    Patent application for a carbon credit MRV system using satellite imagery for monitoring paddy water management compliance (Patent Application No.: 10-2023-0054116).

  • 2023-02 Patent Application

    Patent application for a carbon credit crowd trading platform system based on land restoration and farming practices (Patent Application No.: 10-2021-0049951).

  • 2023-02 Award History

    Awarded Best New Product for carbon-reduced rice ‘CoolMe’ (hosted by Korea Ilbo).

  • 2023-01 Patent Application

    Patent application for a monitoring method, device, and computer-readable recording medium for controlling greenhouse gas emissions through water level management in tidal safety zones (Patent Application No.: 10-2023-0002863).


  • 2022-12 Award History

    Received the 2022 Korea Social Contribution Award for ‘Carbon-Capturing B Farms,’ awarded by the Minister of Environment (sponsored by BC Card).

  • 2022-09 Patent Application

    Patent application for agricultural information management using digital water gates with remote methane measurement capability (Patent Application No.: 10-2022-0113464).

  • 2022-01 Award History

    Selected in the respected corporate and individual ESG management category (hosted by the Korea Herald).


  • 2021-10

    Establishment of Thanks Carbon Co., Ltd.

  • 2021-05 Award History

    Shortlisted for the Lush Spring Prize, a global environmental award held biennially by Lush, for the Responsorship. It marks the first time a Korean entry has made the Short List.

  • 2021-04 Patent Application

    Patent application for a carbon credit crowd trading platform system based on land restoration and agricultural practices (Patent Application No.: 10-2021-0049951).

ESG 커뮤니케이션에 새로움을 더해줄 땡스카본의 뉴스레터 입니다. 매월 1~2회 발송되는 땡스레터로 넷제로를 향한 여정에 참여해보세요.

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개인정보 수집 및 이용

뉴스레터 발송을 위한 최소한의 개인정보를 수집하고 이용합니다. 수집된 정보는 발송 외 다른 목적으로 이용되지 않으며, 서비스가 종료되거나 구독을 해지할 경우 즉시 파기됩니다.